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Location: Buryatiya (Ulan-Ude), Russia
Seller: Evgenii_1380 (100% / 20)
Location: Fes, Morocco
Seller: NorthAfrica-insects (0% / 0)
Location: Veneto, Italy
Seller: carabus55 (100% / 289)
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Seller: bugman66 (99.1% / 106)
Location: Region Metropolitana (Santiago), Chile
Seller: Terrainsecta (0% / 0)
Location: Sandwell, United Kingdom
Seller: papilio (0% / 0)
Location: Hainaut, Belgium
Seller: africanentomology (100% / 11)
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Seller: RUSINSECTS.COM (100% / 4)
Location: Dolnośląskie, Poland
Seller: WorldInsects from EU (100% / 4)